It’s about time that laws such as RA 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act are brought into the light for all to see. We all live in a society that’s grown crass and indecent, and this Act is something that protects us – whether walking or commuting – from behaviors of the unsavory sort. The LTFRB has recently reminded the public that violations of the Act of punishable by law, so let’s get to it and see how it works.
LTFRB calls on RA 11313 AKA Safe Spaces Act against gender-based sexual harassment on public transport

Photo: LTFRB
For its relevance to the commuting public, this article on RA 11313, or the Safe Spaces Act will be related to women and those who belong to the LGBTQIA genders, as well as how it relates to those who work in the PUV sector.
First of all, what is it? It’s a law that responds to harassment – sexual or gender-based – that individuals may encounter while riding public transport, walking the streets, or anywhere in public, online, in the place of work, or in any educational or even training institutions. But what exactly are those defined as “harassment” under this law?

Photo: LTFRB
In the infographic above, you’ll see all actions, activities, and behaviors that are punishable as violations of the Safe Spaces Act. The list is quite comprehensive and straightforward. Catcalling or howl whistling, unsavory comments, indecent or hurtful statements, sexist slurs, actions and words that violate one’s personal life and details, stalking, unconsented and indecent touching, and other lewd actions are all included in the punishable violations.
Take note that these do not only govern passengers, but drivers, conductors, and operators of PUVs.

Photo: LTFRB
For those working in the PUV sector, those found guilty of violating the Act will be punished thusly:
First offense: PHP 5,000USD 85INR 7,227EUR 82CNY 620 + suspension of their vehicle from operating for 6 months
Second Offense: PHP 10,000USD 170INR 14,453EUR 164CNY 1,240 + 1-year suspension from operating
Third Offense: PHP 15,000USD 255INR 21,680EUR 245CNY 1,860 + revocation of CPC or Certificates of Public Convenience
There’s more, to it, too.
If any PUV operators, drivers, conductors, and employees fail to report incidences of harassment to the proper authorities, they will be met with the following fines: PHP 5,000USD 85INR 7,227EUR 82CNY 620, PHP 10,000USD 170INR 14,453EUR 164CNY 1,240 plus a 3-month suspension, and PHP 15,000USD 255INR 21,680EUR 245CNY 1,860 along with the revocation of CPC for the first to third offenses, respectively. The driver’s license may also be suspended or canceled as is included in RA 11313’s and MC 2023-016’s provisions

Photo: LTFRB
If you, on the other hand, are just a normal, commuting individual who witnesses any acts and violations of RA 11313 while in public transport, you can help, too, by getting in touch with the LTFRB‘s 24/7 hotline and dialing 1342 or by sending them an email as well.
There is no space for indecency and prejudice in society, and we can all help each other in finding a safe space in any and all means of public transportation. The law is there to protect us, so violators beware. Don’t be a “criminal”, and don’t allow anyone to be a victim. Let’s all do our part in making a law-abiding, respectful, and decent society.