The dry run for the exclusive motorcycle lane along Commonwealth Avenue started last week, March 9. Yesterday, the MMDA has released some information on how the motoring public seems to have taken to its trial implementation and the numbers of those caught unaware and “violating” the new lane are in.
1,494 vehicles “caught” in violation of exclusive motorcycle lane in 4 days of dry run

Photo: MMDA
In the first 4 days of the motorcycle lane dry run, a total of 1,494 vehicles were caught not traversing their proper lanes. Of this number, 949 motorcycle riders were tallied as being outside of the exclusive lane, whereas 545 private vehicles were caught encroaching it. The new blue lanes were made specifically for motorcyclists in a bid to reduce accidents involving two-wheelers, and it has thus been implemented, albeit on a no-apprehension basis as of now; that’s at least until its full implementation on March 20, 2023.

Photo: Quezon City Government
On the first day of the dry run, 276 motorcycles and 61 four-wheel vehicles, or a total of 337 vehicles were flagged by enforcers. On March 10, there were 368 motorcycles and 201 four-wheel vehicles, or a total of 569 vehicles. March 11 saw 177 riders and 186 drivers of four-wheel vehicles or a total of 363 vehicles, and on March 12, 128 motorcycle riders and 97 four-wheel vehicles, or a total of 225 vehicles were tallied.
“We are hopeful that these numbers will continue to decline as we continue to guide our motorists for another week of test run for the exclusive motorcycle lane in the largest highway in the metropolis,” said Atty. Don Artes, MMDA Acting Chairman.

Photo: MMDA
To further the safety of the exclusive motorcycle lane, the MMDA is in talks with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to smoothen the road by conducting patch works, and they aim to start within the week. The installation of reflectors and solar street lamps to light up the area that would help avoid accidents are also being eyed by the MMDA.
All in all, the MMDA believes that “motorcycle riders and drivers of four-wheel vehicles alike are getting used to the policy”. Artes likewise called on the motoring public to “give the policy a chance and follow the road rules”. Beginning March 20, those who are caught violating the motorcycle lane will be given a PHP 500USD 8INR 723EUR 8CNY 62 fine.
The MMDA has a lot on its hands. While “official” tallies should be credible, the fact remains that the entire stretch of the motorcycle lane between Elliptical Road and Dona Carmen does not have enforcers throughout. That said, in the parts where there are no enforcers, both motorcycles and 4-wheelers and even trucks do not pay heed and would just casually shift in and out of lanes. While most would like to give this a chance, the bigger problem to address is the lack of discipline and the evident and blatant disregard for rules and policies by those who are supposed to be duly-licensed motorists.
Again, the MMDA has a lot on its hands. Let’s hope this is all addressed and resolved in less than a week.