It’s happening, ladies and gentlemen. Fuel prices of gasoline and diesel have been on an uptrend, and tomorrow, August 1, will see the biggest hike per liter in the past three weeks. As far as estimates go, gasoline is set to go up by as much as PHP 1.90USD 0.03INR 3EUR 0.03CNY 0.24-2.10 and diesel by PHP 3.20USD 0.05INR 5EUR 0.05CNY 0.40-3.50. It may be best to brave the weather and the lines at the stations to fill your tanks up today because tomorrow will be pretty expensive.
Fuel prices up 3 weeks in a row, tomorrow will be biggest price hike so far
Prices have been going up for both gas and diesel and as it stands, there seems to be no end to its rise. We usually publish our fuel price articles on the day of the hike or rollback, but tomorrow’s impending adjustments will be far too substantial to put off. While official prices have yet to be announced as of this publishing, expect gas to go up anywhere from PHP 1.90USD 0.03INR 3EUR 0.03CNY 0.24-2.20 and diesel from PHP 3.20USD 0.05INR 5EUR 0.05CNY 0.40-3.50.
Different gasoline players adjust their pumps’ prices at different times of the day, but they will either be as the clock strikes 12:00 AM, 5:59 AM, 6:00 AM, and some as late as 4:00 PM. Regardless, it may be wise to go to your nearest gas station and fill your tanks within the day because tomorrow is going to be a doozy.
Some stations would even run out of gas products with certain octane ratings leading up to significant price hikes like tomorrow’s, so topping up might be a good idea.
Expect us to publish the official fuel price adjustments per liter later on in the day or early tomorrow. With an idea of how much you should expect prices to go up, as well as the knowledge of what time your gasoline or diesel station of choice may adjust its prices, do plan your course of action as early as now.