Here we go again. The Toll Regulatory Board (TRB) will again implement the Cashless RFID Transaction policy for all tollways beginning March 15, 2025. This policy should not be new news to any of us as it’s already had its share of dry-runs and “micro” implementations since last year, but this time, it looks like it’s finally going to be strong-armed on all motorists. Here’s what you need to know about it.
RFID tags are required starting March 15, 2025. Don’t have one? You can only enter if…

Photo: Toll Regulatory Board
Technically, the term “No RFID No Entry” is actually a misnomer. Yes, it was part of the official announcement last year as well as in the latest reminder two days ago. However, upon closer inspection, it was stated that “Those motor vehicles without Valid ETC Device/RFID Sticker will nonetheless still be allowed to enter the toll lane/plaza, but shall be installed with an ETC Device/RFID Sticker at the designated space after the toll plaza, or the nearest installation site.”
The preceding statement is based on Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2024-001. In the same JMC, the first mention of “No Valid ETC Device, No Entry” was in line with the compliant “lay-out and format of the proposed signages” that the DPWH-PPP Services will be putting up at the tollways entrances for all motorists to see. So there, again, “misnomer”. More properly, this really is about what happens if you find yourself with no other choice but to enter toll gates without an RFID tag.
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s what you need to know.

Photo: NLEX Corp.
We have two RFID tags that are being used and they are AutoSweep for SKYWAY-SLEX-MCX, NAIAX, TPLEX, SKYWAY Stage 3, and STAR Tollway, and Easytrip used for NLEX, SCTEX, CAVITEX, CALAX, and C5 Link. If you still do not have either or both of these, here’s a handy-dandy guide for RFID installation sites that we’ve put together for you, our dear readers. In that guide, you’ll find where you can have tags installed on your motor vehicle.
That said, if you’ve already done so or will do so before March 15, you’re in the clear and there’s no need to worry about the Cashless/Contactless RFID transaction mandate of the TRB. But what if you still haven’t had the RFID tags installed by then and you need to enter an expressway?
Again and still based on Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2024-001, you will be allowed to enter, but you will have no choice but to have the appropriate RFID tag installed on your vehicle at the designated area to which you will be guided (an area near the tollway entrance or the nearest installation site). But along with that, you will have to pay a fine, and depending on how many times you’ve “violated” the Mandate, the fees change and go higher. They are as follows:
(I.) Entering a limited access highway without the required valid electronic identifier (ETC Device), including dilapidated ETC Device, shall be penalized as “No Valid ETC Device” with a penalty of:
First offense = PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,475EUR 16CNY 124
Second offense = PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,950EUR 33CNY 248
Subsequent offenses = PHP 5,000USD 85INR 7,374EUR 82CNY 621 per offense
Now, let us not forget that in JMC No. 2024-001, there are also provisions for having insufficient load in your RFID accounts/tags. This is also going to be treated as a violation and as such, will also have penalties:
(II.) Exiting the toll expressway with insufficient account balance to pay the required toll fee shall be penalized as “Insufficient Load” with a penalty of:
First offense = PHP 500USD 9INR 737EUR 8CNY 62
Second offense = PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,475EUR 16CNY 124
Subsequent offenses = PHP 2,500USD 43INR 3,687EUR 41CNY 310 per offense
For those who are planning to fake their way using illegal or fraudulent means, your fake tags will also net you, yes, you guessed it, penalties:
(III.) For public, road safety, and security purposes, the use of fraudulent, tampered, or fake ETC Device and E-Card upon entry and exit on toll expressway shall be penalized as “Fraudulent or Falsified ETC” with a penalty of:
First offense = PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,475EUR 16CNY 124
Second offense = PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,950EUR 33CNY 248
Succeeding offenses = PHP 5,000USD 85INR 7,374EUR 82CNY 621 per offense
Just to wrap up what you should expect should you find yourself on the violator’s end of the stick (this will be a long but very worthwhile read. Are you ready?):
Any violation of these RFID policies will entail an entry into the tollway’s Daily Violation Report to be filled out by an LTO or deputized traffic enforcer/personnel. A Show-Cause Order (SCO) will then be issued for the Driver-Violator if his or her information is available. If not, the SCO will be issued to the registered owner/operator of the vehicle that violated the RFID policies.
Should there be a failure in identifying a Driver-Violator (AKA it was not the owner driving the vehicle at the time of “apprehension”), the owner/operator will be fined PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,950EUR 33CNY 248
per violation and the vehicle logged in violation of RFID policy/policies will be put on alarm until such time that a name is provided.
A similar alarm will be placed on vehicles whose owner/operator/driver refuses to replace his/her ETC Device or RFID sticker despite notifications to do so. This alarm will remain in place until this has been complied with.
For any same vehicle or Driver-Violator who will have logged three (3) instances of any violation of these RFID policies within a 12-month period, the vehicle may be put on alarm by the LTO or the Driver-Violator’s Driver’s License may be confiscated by Deputized Transportation Regulation Officers. A 90-day License suspension of the Certificate of Registration of a vehicle in constant violation of these RFID policies may also be meted out following a recommendation by Law Enforcement Services and the approval of the LTO Assistant Secretary. This will require the immediate surrender of the vehicle’s License Plate.
The short of this long story is the fact that despite its numerous dry-runs, its intended start date, its succeeding deferment, and now, its impending reimplementation/re-enforcement, if you own a motor vehicle that can use or you intend to use on any of our expressways, you must have RFID tags installed. Come March 15, 2025 – if this truly will be the start of a strong implementation – you don’t really have much of an alternative.
Again, we’ve linked our guide to RFID installation sites earlier in this article so you can find the one nearest you; it should be of great help.
A little less than a month left, and if you go and comply with what’s required by this Mandate, you’ll have nothing to worry about, and your wallet will all be happier for it.