The MMDA does not discriminate based on how many wheels a vehicle has, or by how large or small it is. If the motorist behind the wheel or handlebars is wrong, then they will be apprehended. But here’s something you don’t see every day. Behold, ladies and gentlemen, this may be one of the rarest and most curious apprehensions the agency’s enforcers have made in a while.
125cc pocket bike impounded by MMDA for plying major roadway

Photo: Gadget Addict
As you can see, what we have here is a pocket bike. Only to be used for recreation purposes and definitely not along thoroughfares, this was flagged to the side by MMDA enforcers. When asked for papers, the driver was able to produce a registration from the LTO from 2005. If this was, indeed, registered, then his papers are already expired. But that brings us to the question as to how it was registered in the first place, this not being a “roadworthy” motor vehicle.

Photo: Gadget Addict
According to MMDA-TFSO Head Bong Nebrija, the bike has a displacement of 125cc; a pretty good number for such a tiny piece of machinery. But the problem doesn’t end with the papers. According to Nebrija, the driver of the pocket rocket did not have a Driver’s License. It’s very safe to say that driving anything that needs (or has) a registration with the LTO also requires the driver to have a license, right?
That said, the motorcycle has been impounded.

Photo: Gadget Addict
The apprehension was documented by Gadget Addict, and as always, you have our thanks for relentlessly capturing these moments on video. Your comments are very valid, too, in that anyone who’s using such a vehicle just cannot be seen by other vehicles driving alongside it. If it happens to figure in a fatal accident, then a hapless motorist will then be slapped with what can be a criminal offense. Not exactly fair, given that these pocket bikes aren’t supposed to be there in the first place, right?
So for any of you who might have the same “motorcycle” at home and are thinking of using it along major roads, allow us to say to you what MMDA‘s Col. Nebrija had to say about this: “Hindi na lang kasi nagbisikleta!” [Should have used a bike instead!]
Ignorance of the law does not exempt anyone from its implementation and enforcement. So please, do practice prudence, due diligence, and use some common sense. If not for the law per se, then at least think of safety; yours, and that of others around you.