Even if you’re already a licensed driver, and have gone through all the necessary steps to be able to finally drive legally on our roads, that’s just half the battle won.
The issuance of a license and driving on the road entails a corresponding responsibility to follow our country’s road laws and rules. It must be said though, that we are not perfect, and at times we may end up making mistakes that could lead to fines and penalties.
Wouldn’t it be helpful if we had any idea how much certain fines and penalties could cost us? well thankfully the new LTO online portal lists them.
It’s pretty comprehensive, but it’s worth the read!
Licensing and traffic violations in the Philippines
- Driving without a valid driver’s license or conductor’s permit
- Fine: P3,000
- Penalties: Disqualification from acquiring any driver’s license and prohibition from driving any motor vehicle (MV) for a period of one year from the settlement of fines
- Driving a motor vehicle used in the commission of a crime upon conviction by a regular court of competent jurisdiction
- Fine: P10,000
- Penalties:
- Confiscation and, upon conviction, perpetual revocation of driver’s license and permanent disqualification from acquiring any other driver’s license thereafter
- A motor vehicle driven will be impounded until ordered for release by a regular court of competent jurisdiction after payment of appropriate fines and penalties
- Fine: P10,000
- Commission of a crime in the course of apprehension upon conviction by a regular court of competent jurisdiction
- Fine: P10,000
- Penalties:
- Confiscation and revocation of driver’s license and disqualification from acquiring any other driver’s license for five years from the date of payment of appropriate fines and penalties
- The motor vehicle driven will be impounded until ordered for release by a regular court of competent jurisdiction after payment of appropriate fines and penalties
- Fine: P10,000
- Driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs, and/or similar substance upon final conviction by a regular court of competent jurisdiction
- Fine: Depends on the amount prescribed by law
- Penalties:
- First offense – Confiscation and a 12-month suspension of driver’s license
- Second offense – Perpetual revocation of driver’s license and permanent disqualification from acquiring any other driver’s license thereafter
- Reckless driving
- Fines:
- First offense – P2,000
- Second offense – P3,000
- Third offense – P10,000
- Penalties:
- Second offense – Suspension of driver’s license for three months from payment of fines
- Third offense – Suspension of driver’s license for six months from the payment of fines
- Succeeding offense – revocation of driver’s license
Owners of revoked non-professional driver’s license may not acquire any new driver’s license for two years from date of revocation. Professional driver’s license holders, meanwhile, are perpetually disqualified from getting any driver’s license. - Submission of fake documents in relation to the application for a driver’s license
- Fine: P3,000
- Penalties:
- Driver’s license shall be put on alarm
- Revocation of driver’s license and disqualification from acquiring a new driver’s license and prohibition from operating a motor vehicle for one year from the payment of fines without prejudice to the filing of appropriate criminal charges
- Failure to wear the prescribed seatbelt device
- Fines:
- First offense – P1,000
- Second offense – P2,000
- Third offense – P5,000
- Penalties: Suspension of driver’s license for one week from the payment of fine for the third and succeeding offenses
- Fines:
- Failure to require his/her passenger/s to wear the prescribed seatbelt device
- Fines: P3,000 (both driver and operator for PUVs)
- Failure to wear the standard protective motorcycle helmet or failure to require the back rider to wear the standard protective motorcycle helmet
- Fines:
- First offense – P1,500
- Second offense – P3,000
- Third offense – P5,000
- Fourth and succeeding offenses – P10,000
- Failure to carry driver’s license, certificate of registration, or official receipt while driving a motor vehicle
- Fine: P1,000
- Fines:
- Fines:
All other violations of traffic rules and regulations (Fine: P1,000):
- Parking
- In an intersection
- Within five meters of the intersection
- Within four meters from the driveway entrance
- Within four meters from a fire hydrant
- In front of a private driveway
- On the roadway side of any unmoving or parked MV at the curb or edge of the highway
- At any place where signs of prohibitions have been installed
- Disregarding traffic signs
- Allowing passengers on top or a cover of a motor vehicle (truck helpers are exempted)
- Failure to provide canvas cover for cargoes or freight of trucks requiring the same
- Permitting passengers to ride on running boards, step boards, or mudguard of MV while in motion
- Failure to dim headlights when approaching another motor vehicle
- Driving in a place not intended for traffic or into a place not allowed for parking.
- Hitching or permitting a person or a bicycle, motorcycle, tricycle, or roller skater to hitch to a motor vehicle
- Driving against traffic – failure to pass to the right when meeting persons or vehicles coming towards him
- Illegal turn – failure to move the MV to the right of an intersection of a highway when turning to the left coming from one highway to another
- Illegal overtaking – failure to pass to the left when overtaking person or vehicles going in the same direction except when there are two or more lanes for the movement of traffic in one direction
- Overtaking at an unsafe distance – failure to pass at a safe distance to the left of another motor vehicle when overtaking that vehicle
- Cutting an overtaken vehicle – driving to the right side of the highway after overtaking before his motor vehicle is safely clear of such overtaken vehicle.
- Failure to give way to an overtaking vehicle – failure to give way to another vehicle approaching from the rear that wishes to overtaken his vehicle when the former has given suitable and audible signal.
- Increasing speed when being overtaken – increasing the speed of the motor vehicle before the overtaking vehicle has completely passed.
- Overtaking when left side is not visible or clear of oncoming traffic driving to the left side of the centerline of a highway in overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction where the left side is not clearly visible and is not free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance to pass in safely
- Overtaking upon a crest of a grade – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction when approaching the crest of a grade
- Overtaking upon a curve – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction upon a curve in a highway where the driver’s view along the highway is obstructed within a distance of 500 feet ahead
- Overtaking at any railway grade crossing – overtaking or passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction at any railway grade crossing.
- Overtaking at an intersection – overtaking or passing another vehicle in the same direction at any intersection of highways except on a highway having two or more lanes for movement of traffic in one direction where the driver of a vehicle may overtake another vehicle on the right.
- Overtaking on ‘men working’ or ‘caution’ sign – overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction between warning or caution signs indicating that men are working on a highway
- Overtaking at a no-overtaking zone – overtaking or passing or attempting to overtake or pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction in any ‘no passing or overtaking zone’
- Failure to yield the right of way – failure of a vehicle on the left to yield the right of way to the vehicle on the right when these vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same time
- Failure to yield the right of way – failure of the vehicle approaching but not having entered an intersection to yield the right of way to a vehicle within such intersection or turning therein to the left across the line of travel of the first-mentioned vehicle when such vehicle has given a plainly visible signal of intention to turn
- Failure to yield the right of way – failure of the driver of any vehicle upon a highway within a business or residential district to yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing such highway within a crosswalk except at an intersection where the movement of traffic is regulated by a peace officer or by traffic signals
- Failure to stop before traversing a ‘through highway’ or railroad crossing – failure of the driver of a vehicle upon a highway to bring to a full stop such vehicle before traversing any ‘through highway’ or railroad crossing.
- Failure to yield right way of way – failure of a vehicle entering a highway from a private road or driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to all vehicles approaching on such highway
- Failure to yield a right of way to ambulance, police, or fire department vehicles – failure of driver upon a highway to yield the right of way to police or fire department vehicles and ambulances when such vehicles are operated on official business and the drivers thereof sound audible signal on their approach
- Failure to yield right of way at a “through highway” or a “stop-intersection” – failure of a vehicle entering a “through highway” or a “stop intersection” to yield right of way to all vehicIes approaching in either direction on such “through highway”
- Failure to give the proper signal – failure to give the appropriate signal before starting, stopping, or turning from a direct line
- Illegal turn – failure of the driver of a motor vehicle intending to run to the right at an intersection to approach such intersection in the lane for traffic nearest to be right-hand side of the highway and, in turning, to keep as close as possible to right-hand curve or edge of the highway
- Illegal turn – failure of the driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left, to approach such intersection in the lane for traffic to the right of and nearest to the centerline of the highway, and in, turning to pass to the left of the center of the intersection except upon highway lane for traffic and upon a one-way highway.
- Failure to stop motor and notch handbrake of motor vehicle when unattended – failure to turn off the ignition switch and stop the motor and notch effectively the handbrake when parking a motor vehicle unattended on any highway.
- Unsafe towing
- Obstruction – obstructing the free passage of other vehicles on the highway while discharging or taking passengers or loading and unloading freight, or driving a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the passage of any vehicle
- MC carrying more passengers other than the back rider or cargo other than the saddle bags and luggage carriers
- Refusal to render service to the public or convey passenger to a destination (for PUVs)
- Overcharging or undercharging of fare (for PUVs)
- No Franchise or Certificate of Public Convenience or evidence of franchise presented during apprehension or carried inside the motor vehicle (for PUVs)
- Fraud and falsities such as presentation of fake and spurious CPC, OR/CR, plate, stickers and tags
- Operating an MV with defective parts and accessories
- Failure to provide fare discount to those entitled under existing laws and pertinent Memorandum Circulars of the LTFRB (for PUVs)
- Fast, tampered, defective taximeter or operating without or with an old seal taximeter
- Tampered, broken, joined, reconnected, fake, or altered sealing wire
- No signboards (for PUVs)
- Pick-up and drop-off of passengers outside the terminal (for PUVs)
- Carrying of illegal and/or prohibited cargo
- Failure to provide the fire extinguisher and required “STOP and GO” signage for use of each vehicle
- Trip cutting (for PUVs)
- Failure to display fare matrix (for PUVs)
- Breach of franchise conditions under 2011 Revised Terms and Conditions of CPC not otherwise herein provided (for PUVs)
In case the drivers’ license has been confiscated, motorists are given a temporary operators’ permit, which is only valid for 72 hours. Also, motorists only have five days from the date of apprehension to file a written contest. Failure to do so will automatically deem it admitted, while written contests shall be resolved within five days from submission. Fines, meanwhile, may only be settled within 15 days from the date of apprehension, and failure to do that will result in an additional 30-day suspension of the driver’s license.
Always remember to be responsible drivers as much as possible!
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