We reported in the past few months how a new number coding scheme was planned (by the MMDA) to start on May 1 or May 16. However, because of recent events and an administration change, none of the proposed plans for reworking number coding pushed through. Currently, we are still under the 5-8 pm number coding scheme in the Metro (except in Makati).
MMDA Says No Need To Change Number Coding Scheme For Now
More recently, MMDA Chairman Romando Artes has been quoted as saying that there is no need to renew or implement the number coding scheme, according to him the vehicle volume has reduced significantly recently.
The reason for the reduced vehicle volume? You guessed it! Rising fuel prices.
While this is a significant development, it may also pose as a grim reminder of how affected the daily commute of the greater population is affected by the fluctuating price of fuel.
Not to mention, it also has an effect on public transportation, specifically buses, jeepneys, and taxis. Recently more transport groups and operators have been asking the Government to increase their minimum fare rates just to be able to cope with the rising fuel costs.
In any case, that’s the latest we’ve heard about any updates on a possible number coding scheme rework or implementation. As always, we will keep you updated as more news comes.