With Grandparents’ Day (September 11) just around the corner, Grab has announced that it is rolling out GrabCar discounts for senior citizens.
Starting September 11, 2016, there are two ways senior citizens may avail of the government-mandated 20% discount off of their fares.
- In GrabBooths in over 120 establishments nationwide, senior citizens can present their Senior Citizen’s ID and another government-issued ID and our Booking Agents will assist them in booking a GrabCar with a discounted fare.
Qualified passengers may also register via http://grb.to/scregistration 17 by filling up the form and uploading their Senior Citizen’s ID and another government-issued ID.
Upon verification of a passenger’s registration, a unique promo code for the passenger will be generated for him or her which will grant the passenger 20% discount on all of his or her GrabCar rides. The passenger can use the code anytime and every time they book a GrabCar ride, provided that they will be the ones boarding the vehicle.
“1 out of 5 Grab’s top passengers are senior citizens and aside from it being mandated by the government, we’re glad to be able to make our rides more accessible to them than ever before,” said Brian Cu, Grab Philippines’ Country Head.
And PWD would also get the discount??
Oo nga, how about PWD?
read the article title!