Today is D-Day for the re-implementation of the “original” number coding scheme. It was decided and reported last week that the former format for number coding will start this week, specifically today (August 15, 2022).
The scheme re-implemented by the MMDA is the 7-10 am and 5-8 pm coding hours, while the specific numbers coding on each day still follow the previous rules: Monday (1 and 2), Tuesday (3 and 4), Wednesday (5 and 6), Thursday (7 and 8), Friday (9 and 0).
For those still confused by the scheme, please refer to our article about last week’s announcement.
Number coding scheme violators
According to a post by the MMDA official Facebook page, during the morning run of the number coding scheme earlier today, they were able to apprehend 1,580 vehicles in violation of the rules.
Although these vehicles were apprehended, violations were not yet handed to the drivers. That is because violations will only start being noted and handed down starting August 18, 2022. Violators will be apprehended by both on-ground enforcers and through the No Contact Apprehension policy.
The MMDA also wants to remind everyone that only, public transportation vehicles such as taxis, jeeps, buses, and TNVS vehicles are exempted. Also part of the exemption list are garbage trucks, fuel trucks, marked government vehicles, marked media vehicles, fire trucks, and ambulances.