It seems the motoring Gods are giving local motorists an early Christmas present by way of a sizable fuel price rollback.
November 29, 2022 Fuel Price Rollback
According to the usual (early) announcers of fuel price changes like CleanFuel, Petro Gazz, and Shell here are the expected price changer per liter:
Gasoline: PHP – 0.85/L
Diesel: PHP 3.95USD 0.07INR 6EUR 0.06CNY 0.49/L
Kerosene: PHP 2.65USD 0.04INR 4EUR 0.04CNY 0.33/L
Your eyes aren’t deceiving you, diesel is set to go down by nearly 4 pesos per liter, and gasoline by nearly 1 peso per liter. This rollback couldn’t have come at a better time because the Christmas season rush has already begun, and we all know many trips across the “Metro” and the country Filipinos take during this time.
If you need fuel, we suggest you save what you’ve got now and wait it out till tomorrow!
Petro Gazz: