In case it’s escaped our minds, the MMDA is still steadfast in its road-clearing operations. Just yesterday, the agency’s Special Operations Group-Strike Force took to various areas and Quezon City – some obviously and totally notorious for obstructions – and “hit the jackpot”, in a manner of speaking. Many tickets were issued and illegally parked vehicles were towed, as they properly should according to road rules and laws.
No rest for the MMDA as clearing operations continue

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Those who live in Quezon City may very well be aware that CP Garcia, Katipunan, and BIR Road are all havens for vehicles – motorcycles, 4-wheelers, and even trucks – to park along. These roads were the main focus of the MMDA’s operations yesterday, and yes, tickets flew out of enforcers’ booklets, fines were meted out, and vehicles were towed.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Yesterday’s MMDA operation bagged 23 vehicle owners being handed violation tickets and 10 vehicles being towed and brought to impound facilities for claiming. Obstruction gets violators a PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,445EUR 16CNY 124 fine according to the current matrix of the Single Ticketing System, with Disregarding Traffic Signs and Attended Illegal Parking having the same fine. Unattended Illegal Parking, though, does have a higher penalty of PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,891EUR 33CNY 248. These fines remain the same from the 1st to 3rd recorded offenses.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that operations such as the MMDA‘s road-clearing continue as we speak. Efforts picked up more notably during the tenure of Col. Edison “Bong” Nebrija and it seems like the ones at the helm now are keeping to a pretty consistent standard when it comes to getting these ops done.
Let this be a reminder to everyone, then, that parking your vehicles right on the sidewalk or along the curb and right on the road poses more than an inconvenience. They also cause potential danger to everyone, pedestrians and vehicles alike, so let’s all do the right thing and obey our road’s laws, yes?
PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,445EUR 16CNY 124 isn’t easy to come by after all. PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,891EUR 33CNY 248, even harder so.