QC has spoken: on July 1, 2022, “No Contact Apprehension” will be fully implemented

Motorists now have to be more careful when driving in the vicinity of Quezon City. Starting July 1, 2022, Quezon City will move out of the trial phase of its “No Contact Apprehension” policy into full implementation.

No Contact Apprehension Details

What exactly does “No Contact Apprehension” mean? Basically, instead of enforcers flagging you down on the side of the road and writing you a ticket for a violation, this scheme uses cameras to catch erring motorists. Those who were caught by the cameras will receive a notice of violation.

Qc No Contact Apprehension

Photo: Quezon City

According to the announcement, those who want to check if they have a violation can head over to the city website at: https://nocontact.quezoncity.gov.ph/home, where you can check your violation, find out how much the fines are, and other FAQs.

Needless to say, starting July 1, 2022 (Friday) be very careful when driving in Quezon City.

Pablo Salapantan
Pablo Salapantan

Pablo's first word was probably "Car", and this has developed into a personal passion that has consumed his professional life as well.

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