A lot has been said about the MMDA’s Motorcycle Riding Academy. After a delay and following the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Metro Manila Development Authority and the GSIS, its construction is well on schedule and is set to hit its opening scheduled for the 3rd quarter of this year.
MMDA’s Motorcycle Riding Academy wants to encourage responsible driving and road safety among riders

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
The construction of the Academy facilities is currently at 80%. This announcement comes after MMDA Acting Chairman Atty. Don Artes visited the site over the weekend. “Facilities for the Motorcycle Riding Academy are ready. There are just a few things that need to be fixed and until then, it will be in full swing and open to the public,” Artes said.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Part of the facilities will include a clinic, comfort and shower rooms, and dining areas for the convenience of those who will be joining the two-day training courses, which are free. The academy can accommodate 100 participants per batch. To serve as classrooms, the container vans found inside the compound will be repurposed from their previous use as quarantine facilities.
Added information for those who will take advantage of the Motorcycle Riding Academy’s offerings is that the Metro Manila Development Authority will provide the motorcycles and gasoline. All that the participants need to do is sign up and go straight to the Academy with their helmets and protective gear.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
The MMDA is still in talks with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority for the accreditation of the motorcycle riding course, as well as ride-hailing firms, to give course completers priority employment. Plans also include that the certificates to be issued to “graduates” of the Academy can be used in obtaining a driver’s license from the LTO.
“Hopefully, we can change the mindset of motorcycle rider-graduates of this academy and make them disciplined motorists,” Artes added.
Like you, we echo the same sentiments, Mr. Acting Chairman. Perhaps we can also build something like this for drivers of the 4-wheels-and-up sort in the future, yes?
How to register for MMDA free motorcycle training? Can you please send me the link on where to register? Thank you so much.