Toyota holds innovation at the forefront and as the foremost factor in its success. With the launch of Toyota Mobility Solutions Philippines Inc. (TMSPH), which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toyota Motor Philippines (TMP), the brand will answer the ever-changing and evolving needs of its local customers.
Automotive brands are mainly known for manufacturing, developing, and selling vehicles. That has been the recipe for success of most brands including Toyota, which has used it to gain a 50% share of the automotive market in the Philippines. So you’d think that Toyota would be content right? Why fix what isn’t broken?
There’s another reason why Toyota dominates, and it’s because of its relentless pursuit of true innovation.
Toyota Mobility Solutions – Vehicle usership made easy
Specifically, TMSPH’s main role is to further mobility in the country by offering different programs/solutions called Vehicle Usership (VU) platforms. Take note of the term “Usership”. Toyota believes that the majority of the population is more inclined to be satisfied as “users” and not necessarily “owners” of vehicles. That notion plays into the driving force of Toyota Mobility Solutions and its “Mobility For All” mantra.
TMSPH president Ma. Cristina Fe Arevalo defined TMP’s concept of “new mobility” as a suite of technology and data-driven lifestyle and business solutions that can address the day-to-day challenges of moving people and goods from one point to another. “We envision TMSPH to be at the center of the ‘new mobility’ ecosystem as an integrated, ‘one-stop’ mobility solutions provider to help advance businesses and address local communities’ needs,” she explained.

TMSPH President Cristina Arevalo
Arevalo highlighted that TMSPH will primarily support the operating efficiency and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises or MSMEs of various industries which are vital in driving economic growth.
The Toyota Mobility Solutions team presented an initial pipeline of services which include fleet-connected services, an on-demand shuttle booking app, car sharing or rental, logistics matching service, and fleet management service. Additionally, TMSPH will complement Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation (TFSPH) in promoting and managing units under its full operating lease product called KINTO.
Of course, Toyota is still quick to admit that TMSPH is not its way of letting go of its core business. Toyota Motor Philippines’ main goal is to still provide and grow the local automotive industry.
Toyota Mobility Solutions’ job is to foresee and create solutions that can impact the overall moving of goods and people in the coming future. At the moment, the majority of TMSPHs programs are of a B2B (Business to Business) nature. However, TMSPH has mentioned that they have plans to further create more programs for normal individual customers.
Right now, Toyota Mobility Solutions is testing and implementing some of the programs internally while they hash out certain regulations with the concerned Government officials and agencies, after which we can expect a nationwide implementation of these programs.