The PUVMP has long been a hot issue both from the public transportation sector and for the government, specifically for the Land Transportation Franchising and ...
Christmas might have come a little bit early as far as fuel prices go. Tomorrow, December 12, a substantial rollback will be given to both gasoline and diesel ...
As with last week, a split in fuel price adjustments is scheduled for tomorrow, December 5, 2023. Prices will be updated at different times, but we can expect ...
Well, it was good while it lasted. In some sad news to start the week, the fuel price rollbacks we've enjoyed for the past 3 weeks will finally have its streak ...
Another week, and another Monday for everyone. Much like last week, Number Coding has again been suspended, but this time for more "celebratory reasons". ...
As motorists, it is common knowledge that a vehicle must have a valid LTO registration to be able to be used legally. Unfortunately, whether by mere oversight ...
Much hullabaloo was involved with the EDSA Busway last week. From implementation and enforcement of new fines and penalties to apprehending stubborn motorists ...
Keep it coming, please? The past few weeks have brought good news as far as fuel prices go, and tomorrow will give another reason for motorists to be quite ...
Transport groups are at it again with an impending 3-day strike opposing the PUVMP. As such, the MMDA has decided to suspend Number Coding or the UVVRP ...
We all know of the “exploits” of the MMDA New Task Force Special Operations Unit's (NTFSOU) head honcho, Col. Edison “Bong” Nebrija. From clearing operations, ...
The Christmas rush is fast approaching, and the MMDA is out to address it by calling a stop to all excavation activities for reblocking, pipe laying, and road ...
Today is the day that EDSA Bus Lane Violators will start paying much heftier fines and penalties for their, err, transgressions. That being mentioned, we all ...
The petroleum product gods are smiling on us again, it seems, as yet another fuel price rollback is set to happen tomorrow, November 14. In the past months, ...
As duly licensed motor vehicle and motorcycle drivers, the MMDA need not remind us that we are to stay off the bicycle lanes, yes? Unfortunately, this is not ...
The MMDA isn't sitting easy, especially with the anticipated traffic jams during the holiday rush. With every bit of driveable road becoming more important, a ...
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Hi, Darryl! MPTC Tollways are all pretty much EasyTrip expressways. Unfortunately, there are no other RFID installation sites other than what we’ve already listed here. Looking at EasyTrip’s site, their instructions really do point to motorists going to their sites that are already along the expressways.
The last “hope” in Metro Manila was Shell Magallanes, but that’s already been closed at the start of September 🙁
Here’s the thing, some of the toll plazas still do accept cash, given the staggered implementation of the contactless toll collection. It’s not exactly an answer to your query, but at least getting an RFID tag installed can be done by going in with cash, and then exiting with your brand spanking new RFID already.
Pow’s passing will always be a tremendous loss to the entire community and his friends and family. We miss him, too. – Mikko, YugaAuto
If you qualify for a 10-year Driver’s License validity (which we hope you do 🙂 ) it should be valid until 2032
PHP 250.
PHP 100, Application Fee + PHP 150 Student Permit Fee
That’s not good at all, Gerry. It really is the aim of articles like this for our readers to come out and tell us about their own experiences. Sadly, not everyone is as lucky as others, even if we know that it’s not supposed to be about “luck” but about standardization across all LTO offices.
Is there no other help desk that you can probably bring this issue to?