Today is the day that EDSA Bus Lane Violators will start paying much heftier fines and penalties for their, err, transgressions. That being mentioned, we all know some of these vehicles’ drivers would run from apprehending officers, yes? The MMDA and LTO both have a warning for these kamotes, and it’s to simply comply and pull over, or face the 2nd to the largest fine and 2nd to the longest Driver’s License suspension possible.
Violators of EDSA Bus Lane who do not pull over for enforcers are in for a pretty big penalty

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Previously, it seemed that nothing could deter lawbreakers from driving along the EDSA Bus Lane. Even though the daily news both on the airwaves and online show a multitude of apprehensions, many have still been rather headstrong and have kept doing it repeatedly.
The MMDA saw this as a chance to spring to action and approved the implementation of an offense-based penalty system/matrix, details of which you can see in the infographic above. From an already significantly larger amount (PHP 5,000USD 85INR 7,227EUR 82CNY 620) for the first offense, motorists who will be apprehended for the same violation will have to pay more, and depending on the occurrence (2nd, 3rd, or 4th) have to undergo a seminar or have their license revoked.

Photo: Land Transportation Office
The MMDA had already consulted with the LTO on the inclusion of Driver’s License revocation for violations of the EDSA Bus Lane, and both are now discussing expanding the coverage of LTO action on erring motorists to include those who would disrespect traffic enforcers in any part of Metro Manila, aside from the EDSA Bus Lane.
“Our driver’s license is a privilege given by the government. It comes with responsibility and obligation that includes respecting traffic laws to ensure road safety, and respecting the people who enforce them,” said Atty. Vigor Mendoza II, LTO Chief.
On the rampant issue of motorists and motorcyclists running away from apprehending enforcers, Mendoza said, “Hindi ito katanggap-tanggap, ito ay maliwanag na pambabastos sa batas at sa mga uniformed traffic enforcers na nagpapatupad ng mga batas upang maging maayos ang daloy ng trapiko at maging ligtas ang lahat ng lansangan para sa lahat [This is unacceptable, this is clear disresepect for our laws and uniformed traffic enforcers who uphold the law for orderly traffic flow and for everyone to be safe on our roads].”

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
“Runners” being mentioned, that does merit a heavier penalty.
“For violators who run away from traffic enforcers to avoid apprehension, if you think that you were able to get away with it, your plate numbers will be recorded and reported to the LTO. You will automatically receive a penalty for third offense: PHP 20,000USD 340INR 28,906EUR 327CNY 2,480 plus a one-year suspension of your driver’s license,” warned Atty. Don Artes, MMDA Acting Chairman.
“These EDSA bus lane violators will be reported to the Land Transportation Office and penalties will be attached to the vehicle owners,” Artes later added.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Col. Edison “Bong” Nebrija of the MMDA who is at the frontlines of EDSA traffic violation apprehensions has kept the public abreast of yesterday – the first day of higher fines and penalties for EDSA Bus Lane violations – and it’s not much of a surprise that the first 3 were, indeed, “runners”. Yes, that got all three of them an automatic equivalent to the 3rd (Time) Offense, and it will cost them PHP 20,000USD 340INR 28,906EUR 327CNY 2,480 and a 1-year license suspension.
Can’t we all just line up? The exclusivity of lanes such as that of the EDSA Bus Lane was conceived with the goal of faster public transport and not for those stuck in traffic to use it to avoid getting in line; that really is why these violators do encroach into the lane, thereby breaking the law. But really, is it that hard to just follow the rules? Patience does wear thin in gridlock, we’ll give it that, but that’s no reason to break rules and laws. But if you do, and since you’ve reached this part of the article, consider yourself warned again.
Trust us, getting caught for an EDSA Bus Lane violation and running away from officers just isn’t worth it.