The Christmas rush is fast approaching, and the MMDA is out to address it by calling a stop to all excavation activities for reblocking, pipe laying, and road upgrading, among others. We all know that some of these road works are necessary, so the agency has also listed what we can expect to stop until next year, and what we might still see being done on and along the roads over the holidays.
MMDA halts all excavation works to help lessen Holiday traffic and congestion

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
This new mandate from the MMDA began implementation yesterday, November 13, and will be until January 8, 2024. Within these dates, no excavations or road works will be allowed to commence (or resume) to allow for better traffic flow in anticipation of the rush of motor vehicles in line with the upcoming Holidays.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Of course, there are some “urgent matters” that may need addressing and must simply be done. That said, the MMDA has listed the types of excavation and road works that will be allowed to proceed as normal. We see a good number of “water-related” works – whether for water supply or avoiding flooding – as well as footbridge projects for the safety and comfort of pedestrians, so there is merit to these “exceptions to the rule”, right?

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
We all know of the hellish traffic jams caused by the Holiday rush, more so in Metro Manila, and it’s mandates such as this that are seen to help everyone along, to not “add” to already heavily congested roads and having to swerve to avoid barriers or cones and pylons when everyone is already in line in traffic. This notwithstanding, more patience is still due for and from all of us who’ll have to brave the roads during this time.
Thanks, MMDA! And everyone, please do drive safely, and with a whole lot of patience out there!