Grab fare to stay the same until March

Grab Philippines’ current fare is likely to stay the same until March even though the tax reform law is now in place. This is according to Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) member Aileen Lizada who spoke to reporters in an interview on January 9, 2018.

grab ltfrb • Grab fare to stay the same until March

Mukhang hindi ‘yan makukuha ngayong month na ‘to kasi we have to clear, we have to set it for reading. – Aileen Lizada, LTFRB member

With fuel prices expected to increase as an effect of the government’s new tax reform law, ride-hailing app Grab has already announced that it wants to increase its fare by Php10USD 0.17INR 14EUR 0.16CNY 1 to Php13USD 0.22INR 19EUR 0.21CNY 2 pesos.

Source: GMA News Online


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