LTO deputizes 16 CCLEX Patrolmen, allowing them to enforce and apprehend

Last July 29, 2022, The Land Transportation Office (LTO) deputized 16 CCLEX patrolmen. Their deputization allows them to strictly enforce traffic rules and apprehend violators on the 8.9-kilometer tollway.

Cclex 2

Photo: CCLEX

CCLEX Patrolmen Deputization

The ceremony was led by LTO Director for Law Enforcement Service Atty. Clarence V. Guinto, who asked that the patrol men become models and advocates for road safety.

“I enjoin you to do good because you do not represent yourself but your organization, CCLEC (Cebu Cordova Link Expressway Corporation), and LTO because we gave you the deputization,” Guinto said.

Apart from enforcing and implementing the traffic rules, these patrol men are also tasked to respond to any traffic-related incidents such as accidents and breakdowns. This is to ensure a safe and efficient expressway, according to officials.

The CCLEX also has a smart management traffic system that detects traffic load, speed and vehicle load, license plates, and road weather conditions. There will also be more than 100 closed-circuit television cameras and sensors that will be installed on the highway to monitor all the ins and outs of the expressway.

Pablo Salapantan
Pablo Salapantan

Pablo's first word was probably "Car", and this has developed into a personal passion that has consumed his professional life as well.

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