We’re sure we all still remember the SUV that was parked in the middle of the road in front of LSGH, right? The MMDA, being the apprehending body, has submitted its recommendation to the Land Transportation Office as to what should be done to the SUV driver, and after seeing this, and while we agree that these are within the bounds of the law and the accompanying fines and penalties for violations, it might come as a simple slap on the wrist.
Monetary fine and suspension of Driver’s License recommended by MMDA to the LTO

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
In the written letter addressed to LTO Chief Vigor Mendoza II, the MMDA’s recommendation is to slap a suspension of the SUV driver’s license.
The SUV was parked in the middle of a busy Ortigas Avenue 30 fronting La Salle Greenhills in front of MMDA constables and “for reasons known only to the driver”, left it there. Clearly, this was nothing but a sense of massive entitlement and as expected, it only added to the already horrendous traffic in front of the campus during the hours of dropping students off to school.

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
Aside from the license suspension, the MMDA included a copy of the violation ticket and it indicates a total of a PHP 3,000USD 51INR 4,336EUR 49CNY 372 fine that the driver must also pay. For illegal parking, the fine was pegged at PHP 2,000USD 34INR 2,891EUR 33CNY 248, and for obstruction, that gets the driver a PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,445EUR 16CNY 124 fine.
Again, given that these are all lined up with the corresponding violations, we can’t help but wonder what will stop such menaces to the motoring public from doing something like this again. Having law breakers pay up (literally and figuratively) is always warranted; it is actually a must in the interest of the enforcement of the law and fairness to all, especially to those who do respect and follow the rules.
But in the greater scheme of things, will the license suspension, fine, and demerit system really deter motorists from committing the same blunder again, and consciously at that?

Photo: Metro Manila Development Authority
We always say that the efforts of the MMDA‘s enforcers are commendable, and that is a most sincere sentiment. But law breakers such as the driver in this case are not few and far between. In fact, there seems to be a lot more of them, outnumbering those who abide by the law. We only have enough law enforcers and tow trucks to lawfully mete out their “just desserts”, but truly, as aggressive as these entitled individuals are, perhaps the law must be more aggressive as well, and on a wider and national scale and not just making do with what little we have deployed in different LGUs.
If you had any recommendations, what penalty would you hand out to drivers like this?
Fine and License suspension is not a big deal to these violators, they can and will be back the next day. Why not confiscate the vehicle instead like guns are confiscated if used improperly .surely will beat the S out.
Impose heavier fines on traffic violations w/more severe penalties on this particular incident & revocation of drivers license.