lto plate number check online
In a case of Justice via Social Media, an MMDA enforcer was seemingly served. Following what looks like a violation - and a common one at that - that ...
Many are still waiting for their new license plates from the LTO. Yes, there are those who've already gotten theirs while some have yet to claim ...
As we speak, many motorists still have improvised plates installed on their vehicles. This is due to the fact(s) that the Land Transportation Office ...
The LTO's No Registration (or No Plate) No Travel Policy extends to more than tricycles in Quezon City, as its most recent focus of enforcement. ...
The LTO gave everyone a "New Year" gift when it announced stronger enforcement of the No Registration No Travel Policy. In this Policy, all motor ...
License plate woes of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) continue as we speak. The sheer number of backlogs already looks insurmountable with the ...
The Online Plate Inquiry websites - yes, plural, and 2 sites, to be exact - have been launched by LTO-NCR. These 2 sites are very specific in ...
In case you missed it, the Land Transportation Office will enforce - and more strongly - the No Registration No Travel Policy for motor vehicles. At ...
The LTO is confident that resolving the license plate backlog is at hand. Agency Chief Vigor Mendoza II proudly announced that their plate-making ...
As the agency has committed, the LTO is fast-tracking the production of license plates for both motor vehicles and motorcycles. During a recent ...
The LTO's struggles with the license plate backlog continue. Many have already waited for years for their pair of plates, and more will likely have ...
Given the backlog of license plate distribution, the LTO is working double time to cut the numbers down. Motorists already have the means to check on ...
Aside from the Driver's License plastic cards shortage (and the TRO issued against the supply's use), the LTO is also juggling with the massive ...
I have been waiting for my new white LTO plates for the longest time, in hopes of somewhat freshening up the look of my pre-teen daily driver, and ...
It's one idea after another regarding the LTO and the addressing of license plate backlogs. The latest of which is the possibility of the agency ...