The LTO's struggles with the license plate backlog continue. Many have already waited for years for their pair of plates, and more will likely have ...
The dry run of the Contactless Toll Collection is now coming up to its 4th week. As the new cashless toll plazas are added weekly, tomorrow will see ...
As we all know, the addition of expressway toll gates to the Contactless Toll Collection dry runs is now in its 3rd week. That said, the 3rd batch of ...
Given the backlog of license plate distribution, the LTO is working double time to cut the numbers down. Motorists already have the means to check on ...
The DOTr has just sent a reminder that the PUV Student Discount must be honored and given by PUV drivers (and conductors). School's back in, and with ...
The Edsa Bike Lane program is but one of the many projects that the MMDA has on its plate. With hopes of utilizing it more - and better - the idea of ...
Aside from the exclusive bus lane along EDSA, we also know - well, we should - that there's also an exclusive bike lane. That said, the MMDA will be ...