Time and again, the motoring public needs to be reminded by the MMDA that the EDSA Bus Carousel Lane is exclusive for, well, buses. It gets cumbersome and tiring to have to remind people about this particular law, but as long as apprehension operations such as this are in full force every day and with no exceptions, then it should be seen as a lack of prudence on the part of the apprehended driver, yes?
MMDA: Only buses, ambulances, emergency government vehicles can use the EDSA Bus Lane

Photo: MMDA
Cutting to the chase, if you are driving a privately-owned motor vehicle or a motorcycle, you are simply not allowed to travel along the leftmost lane of EDSA, AKA, the Bus Carousel Lane. Alas, despite reminders like this from media outfits and the MMDA itself, some motorists are just too hardheaded or choose to disregard the law.
That’s going to cost you, ma’am and sir. And that’s to the tune of PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,445EUR 16CNY 124. That and a ticket will be issued to the driver and corresponding demerits (if and when the system is already functional at the time of apprehension) will be applied. There goes your 10-year driver’s license validity.

Photo: MMDA
For motorcyclists apprehended for violating the Bus Lane’s exclusivity, the suspension of the driver’s license can also be recommended, and if the motorcycle is part of a taxi/ride-hailing service, the violation may very well be reported to the driver’s employer, too.
The reminder of the MMDA reads as follows:
“Ang EDSA Bus Carousel lane ay nakalaan lamang para sa mga pampublikong bus, ambulansya, at sasakyan ng gobyerno na tutugon sa emergency.
Hindi pinapayagan ang iba pang sasakyan na dumaan sa lane na ito. Lahat ng hindi awtorisadong sasakyan…
… kasama ang motorsiklo, na dumaraan sa EDSA Bus Carousel Lane ay hinuhuli at binibigyan ng violation ticket. P1,000 ang multa sa paglabag.”
[The EDSA Bus Carousel lane is reserved only for public buses, ambulances, and government vehicles responding to an emergency. Other vehicles are not allowed to use this lane. All unauthorized vehicles… including motorcycles, that will travel along the EDSA Bus Carousel Lane will be apprehended and given a violation ticket. The fine for violation is PHP 1,000USD 17INR 1,445EUR 16CNY 124.]

Photo: MMDA
If you would remember, a rather flashy scarlet red Italian exotic was caught traveling along the Bus Lane sometime last year. The driver ignored the summons, and later on, the LTO saw fit to issue a fine to its owner, suspend his driver’s license for 90 days, and place the vehicle under alarm. No other news has surfaced about how this apprehension played out, but we won’t even talk about that anymore.
Come on, motorists. You are all better than this. Let’s just stop it with the “diskarte” and “bahala na si Batman” mentality when it comes to following the rules. They are there for a reason and believe us when we say that getting pulled over and having to pay a fine just isn’t worth it.
A privilege, not a right. That’s what your driver’s license is. So use it wisely, and properly.